How Yoast SEO and Readability Score Impacts Your Blog
Yoast is an SEO tool that performs readability and content analysis. The readability parameter checks whether the post is readable for a general audience or not. The content analysis checks whether the SEO is done properly in the post/content or not. Both these things are interrelated and they are necessary for creating good and engaging content. In this article, we will confine yourself to Yoast SEO and Readability Score.
The significance of Yoast SEO and Readability Score
The readability score analysis uses an algorithm to checks how readable your post is. Yoast has created the algorithm carefully so that it is not harsh on the content. Its features also guide you that where is the need for change in the content. Therefore, by following the advice of Yoast algorithm, you can make the content more readable and easier to understand. It is also alleged about Yoast SEO that it dumbs down the content. But this is not the case. It only makes the content easier to read and understand. By simplifying the writing, you will be able to grow your audience automatically as more and more people are able to understand your message. If you haven’t setup the Yoast SEO Plugin, please do Setup and Configure Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin
Also, now you do not write content only for the humans anymore. Your content should also do well with the web crawlers and Google ranking algorithms that check the quality of the content.
Checks on Readability
Yoast SEO performs following checks on your content:
Transitional words
Yoast SEO checks whether you are using transitional texts or not. Transitional texts make the sentence transition smoother and the reader is able to understand what you are trying to convey. Transitional words include ‘most importantly’, ‘because’, ‘therefore’ etc. These texts bind the texts together and improve the flow of the article. This improves the reading score of the article.
Sentence Beginnings
Yoast SEO checks whether any of your consecutive sentences are beginning from the same words. This can cause repetition in reading and it can annoy your readers. Always try to use unique words while starting the consecutive sentences. It can work in some exceptions like if you are following a specific writing style, but otherwise, it is not recommended.
Flesch Reading Ease
This is the most accepted test analysis accepted worldwide. It grades the writeups on a scale of 1 to 100. The lower the score, the difficult it is to read the text. Text with the high Flesch reading score is easy to read. For example, text with 100 percent Flesch reading score is easiest to read. They have short sentences, short paragraphs and easy to understand language. A Flesch reading score of 60-70 is considered to be a good score.
Paragraph Length
Paragraph lengths should be optimal. It should not be too large and haunting. You should break the text into small paragraphs of 70-80 words per paragraph. Also, there should be a reason to create paragraphs and every paragraph must convey a meaningful message and add to the quality of the article. Also, try to use heading and subheadings to segment the article and improve the readability of the text. Also, users can easily skim through the text to read the complete article.
Sentence Length
Sentence Length of the content is also the main reason that the article is hard to read. If the sentence light if too long, readers may forget while reading what you said initially in the article. Readers may lose track of your point. It makes the users jump back and read again what you said in the first place. This is very cumbersome and tiring process. Your writing may lose value and the reader may skip reading the complete article and leave it in the middle. Therefore, try to make shorter sentences that ads value to your content.
Passive voice
Use of excessive passive voice in the content can make it difficult for the readers to connect with you and you would not be able to properly convey the message to the audience. The passive voice sentence structure is difficult to understand and readers have to put in a lot of effort to understand the context of the passage.
How to use readability analysis in Yoast?
Using the readability analysis is very easy in Yoast SEO to improve the content. You just have to write the article that you want to write. Just keep the audience in mind for whom you are writing for. The readability score is calculated in real time. But do not pay attention to the readability score while you are writing. Keep your focus on writing and check the readability score at the end when the draft is complete. Correct the things that Yoast is suggesting you and you are ready to go.
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In the end, we can say that for improving the article readability and improving the content, you can take the help of Yoast SEO. Yoast written articles are easy to understand by everyone. It improves the ranking of the website and makes the reading enjoyable for the readers.
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